
Transactions endpoint allow users to create, modify and delete transactions and their components.


Check the User Guide: Transaction Management to learn more.

Transactions can be of four different activityTypes:

  1. 'IMPORT'

  2. 'EXPORT'

  3. 'TRADE'


and are tied to a countryOfActivity, the country in which the activity takes place. For imports, this is the country of entry into the EU. For exports, the country of exit from the EU. For Domestic Production and Trade, EU country where goods are sourced, manufactured or produced or made available on the market.

Transaction Components

A transaction can have multiple components. Transaction components are batches or shipments of one or more goods. They have an hs code as well as information about the amount and unit that is being shipped or traded. A transaction can have two types of components:

  1. DDS Reference Components contain products that have already been submitted to the EU Information System before and therefore already have a DDS reference and verification Number.

  2. Internal Supplier Components contain products that have not yet been submitted to the EU Information System yet. For these components, the platform uses the TradeAware supplierId to identify the relevant plots of the supplier and their subsuppliers. These identified plots will then be integrated into the request submitted to the EU Information System.

Transaction Status

When a transaction is created, its initial status is set to 'DRAFT'. While in the 'DRAFT' state, the transaction and its components can be freely modified or deleted. Once the transaction is submitted via the /transactions/:id/submit endpoint, its status changes to 'TO_SUBMIT', and further modifications are no longer allowed. The status is then updated asynchronously and can be retrieved via GET /transactions/:id. If the submission to the EU Information System is successful, the status is set to 'COMPLETED'.


Your business must be entitled to access this endpoint. If you run into Error 403, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Last updated