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Last updated
Lists all plots of your business.
Page number to retrieve.If you provide invalid value the default page number will applied <p> <b>Example: </b> 1 </p> <p> <b>Default Value: </b> 1 </p>
Number of records per page. <p> <b>Example: </b> 20 </p> <p> <b>Default Value: </b> 100 </p> <p> <b>Max Value: </b> 500 </p>
If provided value is greater than max value, max value will be applied.
Filter by commodities query param. <p> <b>Format: </b> filter.commodities={$not}:OPERATION:VALUE </p> <p> <b>Example: </b> filter.commodities=$not:$like:John Doe&filter.commodities=like:John </p> <h4>Available Operations</h4><ul><li>$contains</li></ul>
Parameter to sort by. <p>To sort by multiple fields, just provide query param multiple types. The order in url defines an order of sorting</p> <p> <b>Format: </b> fieldName:DIRECTION </p> <p> <b>Example: </b> sortBy=id:DESC&sortBy=createdAt:ASC </p> <p> <b>Default Value: </b> createdAt:DESC </p> <h4>Available Fields</h4><ul><li>createdAt</li></ul>
List of fields to select. <p> <b>Example: </b> </p> <p> <b>Default Value: </b> By default all fields returns. If you want to select only some fields, provide them in query param </p>
A comma-separated list of relations to be included in the response. Possible relations are: mostRecentAnalysis, suppliers, mostRecentAnalysesByType. Deprecation: 'mostRecentAnalysis' is deprecated. Please use 'mostRecentAnalysesByType' as the response data will in particular include the data from 'mostRecentAnalysis'.
Create a plot owned by your business.
What crops (among the relevant commodities) are grown on this field (currently).
["oil palm","rubber"]
Free text name of the plot. Useful for easily finding and identifying the plot as an enduser.
Short description to find and identify plots as owners.
The geometry of the plot with the polygon. Currently supported: Polygon geometry as defined in
Deprecated. This will be automatically populated by the system. The country code (ISO 31661Alpha2 expected).
Is this plot active in the system
Filename of the file where the plot is defined
A customizable metadata field for storing additional information related to a plot in TradeAware. This field allows customers to associate their own identifiers or data with TradeAware's system.
The `customData` field is returned unchanged and is visible only to the owners of the plot.
- Up to 10 keys per object
- Key length: Maximum 255 characters
- String value length: Maximum 255 characters
- Values must be of type: string, number, or boolean
- Nested objects are not allowed
- Keys cannot contain: '__proto__', 'constructor', or 'prototype'
Retrieve the specified plot.
A comma-separated list of relations to be included in the response. Possible relations are: mostRecentAnalysis.
Update the properties of the specified plot. Handles updates partially, i.e. properties missing in the request body will not be changed.
What crops (among the relevant commodities) are grown on this field (currently).
["oil palm","rubber"]
Free text name of the plot. Useful for easily finding and identifying the plot as an enduser.
Short description to find and identify plots as owners.
The geometry of the plot with the polygon. Currently supported: Polygon geometry as defined in
Deprecated. This will be automatically populated by the system. The country code (ISO 31661Alpha2 expected).
Is this plot active in the system
Filename of the file where the plot is defined
A customizable metadata field for storing additional information related to a plot in TradeAware. This field allows customers to associate their own identifiers or data with TradeAware's system.
The `customData` field is returned unchanged and is visible only to the owners of the plot.
- Up to 10 keys per object
- Key length: Maximum 255 characters
- String value length: Maximum 255 characters
- Values must be of type: string, number, or boolean
- Nested objects are not allowed
- Keys cannot contain: '__proto__', 'constructor', or 'prototype'