Endpoints enabled for programmatic access

List of endpoints enabled for OAuth2.0 machine-to-machine client access

Currently only a limited number of endpoints are enabled for access via OAuth2.0 machine-to-machine client. Additional to any public endpoints, the following authenticated endpoints are currently enabled:

  • POST /plots

  • POST /plots/batch

  • GET /plots

  • GET /plots/{id}

  • PATCH /plots/{id}

  • DELETE /plots/{id}

  • POST /plots/{plotId}/analyses

  • GET /plots/{plotId}/analyses

  • GET /analyses/{id}

  • POST /business-invitations

  • GET /business-invitations

  • GET /business-invitations/sent

  • PATCH /business-invitations/{id}

  • GET /business-connections/suppliers

  • GET /business-connections/buyers

We will enable further endpoints for programmatic access as our customer use-cases develop.

Last updated